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Overview | Credo | Mission | Working Model | People Mgnt. | Methodology | Apply


"Treating Employees as an Asset" is at the core of Orchid's Business Credo. We believe in hiring world-class talent and supporting them with an excellent and enabling organizational framework.

We have taken an investment perspective towards Human Resources / Assets as it is critical considering the fact that other physical assets such as facilities, products and services, technologies, and markets can be readily cloned or imitated by competitors. Hence in order to have a mutual and sustainable growth; we believe in investing in our employees.

At Orchid, HR is not considered to be a 'Cost Centre' instead here HR is seen with an 'Investment perspective'.

We are an Employee friendly organization and hence we have several progressive and employee friendly HR practices, Performance Management System, 90°, 180° and 360° Feedback Systems and Leadership Development initiatives.

Our Vision is to develop Global Leaders in India by providing them opportunities to learn through a comprehensive and contemporary framework of continuing education.

People @ Orchid
In pursuit of the Orchid Vision, Team Orchid combines youthful exuberance with maturity of experience. They monitor the quality process from start to finish, making sure that Orchid continues to deliver its promises.

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